Vision for the future
I am not new to running for political office, I ran for Mayor of Vernon in 2018. My most recent run for office was for Vernon Council during the By-Election in 2021. It's a big decision that doesn't come lightly for anyone who decides to seek public office, but in the recent weeks I have had people in the community reaching out asking me if I was going to run for Mayor again this election. I will be honest, the last couple years have been difficult with the struggles of housing costs, working the front lines on the COVID Team for Interior Health and managing my work in Social Services. All of these challenges have made me look at the other side of it, knowing that many individuals & families are facing the same thing I have in our community. This is one of the reasons I have decided to step up and run for Mayor of Vernon along with the support of the community. My vision focuses on a path in which Vernon is a vibrant city in which everyone is welcomed to call home. This is done with providing endless opportunities for current Vernon residents/business owners and future Vernon residents/business owners. Vernon's future is bright and my five priorities below is how we as a City will be able to create possibilities.
1. Housing (Removing Red Tape for aduquate development opportunities; Densification of certain area's within our City; Support Replenshing Attainable & Affordable Rentals)
2. Climate Leadership (Building Energy Uses & Retrofitting; Food Security; GHG Reductions in line with the Climate Action Plan)
3. Economic Growth (Making Vernon a Place to come work; Continued growth of Tourism; Supportive measures for businesses through a "shop local" intiative developed in conjuction with the Chamber, DVA & local businesses)
4. Effective Leadership (Building unity between Council that foster's a respectful, professional working relationship; Lead with the willingness to learn, listen & grow; Lead through effective communication and building healthy relationships with neighbouring cities/districts/regional districts to create opportunities for residents; Be present at UBCM/SILGA and other provincial conferences in which promote the City of Vernon)
5. The OCP Development (Make sure the our short term, medium term and long term goals are acheiveable; Be a voice in updating each communities plans to make them current; make sure the necessary community engagement happens while be present to hear from our residents)
I commit to making sure that my focus is in line with Smart Growth Principles. If elected, I will focus on using these principles in conjuction with the Climate Action Plan to make sure our city's OCP development upcoming delivers on commitments made. Together with the next elected Council, I am confident, if elected Mayor, that our combined leadership abilities and commitments to our City will bring Vernon forward over the next 4 years.